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Neel Patel

Program Director
IMA, UW-Madison

I worked under Cole as he served as president of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) for the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chapter. I can say firsthand that Cole has added immense value to the organization.

Bryce Linssen

Mentorship Director
IMA, UW-Madison

What impressed and inspired me the most during my time working with Cole was his vision for the organization. He was very quick to identify ways in which to improve members' experiences in the organization and strategically came up with effective means to reach, and ultimately surpass these goals.

Ian Pearson

Academic Programs Coordinator
Greater University Tutoring Service

Between 2020 and 2022, I had the pleasure to work alongside and supervise Cole at the UW-Madison Greater University Tutoring Service. Cole is a self-starter able to independently and collaboratively lead creative projects.

Nick Kempf

Marketing and Internal Operations Director
IMA, UW-Madison

I had the opportunity and privilege to serve with Cole on the Board of Directors for UW-Madison's chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants, and throughout our work together I was repeatedly impressed by the dedication, hard work, and innovation he brought to the organization.

Nathan Evers

Former President
IMA, UW-Madison

In Cole’s tenure under my presidency as the Program Director and President-Elect, the largest trait that jumped out to me was his drive and will to get stuff done and be successful while doing it.

Sharon Seagren

Director of Conference Services
UW-Madison Housing

Cole takes initiative and asks relevant questions to understand the details and bigger picture for processes.

Quinn Barkow

Former President
IMA, UW-Madison

Cole did a great job organizing the professional events for IMA, UW-Madison. He worked hard and I was always able to count on him with any tasks I sent his way.

Frank Sterbin

Frank E. Sterbin CPA, SC

Cole has been a spectacular employee, and would be a wonderful addition to any workplace.

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