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Neel Patel

Program Director
IMA, UW-Madison
Neel Reported Directly to Cole

I worked under Cole as he served as president of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) for the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chapter. I can say firsthand that Cole has added immense value to the organization. I have been a part of the club for two years and have seen the difference he has made in the club since he took on the role as president this last year. As a club, Cole has added better structure to the organization. This structure consisted of bi-weekly meetings with his board and consistent events for the members. He was also very creative as a leader and with the help of his board put on some great events for the members such as IMA Student Night where many different firms came in to network with our members. The leadership style Cole uses is very unique as well. He was able to delegate along with help his board. In my personal experience, Cole gave me tasks to do but if I struggled he assisted me to get through the hump. Overall, Cole was a great president, leader, and friend. I would recommend him for any leadership role as he will always strive toward success.

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