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Bryce Linssen

Mentorship Director
IMA, UW-Madison
Bryce Reported Directly to Cole

I had the opportunity to work directly with Cole from January 2022 until May 2022 on the board of directors for the University of Wisconsin-Madison's chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). What impressed and inspired me the most during my time working with Cole was his vision for the organization. He was very quick to identify ways in which to improve members' experiences in the organization and strategically came up with effective means to reach, and ultimately surpass these goals. Notably, Cole looked to increase camaraderie among members as well as with accounting firms as a means to further building social and professional connections. This was done through the successful implementation of the first annual IMA Student Night, a two hour long networking event that encouraged members to network with other members as well as industry professionals and recruiters to create a better understanding of the accounting career field, learn about potential employers and internship opportunities, and gain insight into their academic future.

Throughout his tenure as President, I can think of numerous examples that portray how Cole embodied many of the sought after traits of a leader in addition to those listed above. His selflessness and willingness to not only help in specific situations, but act as a mentor greatly helped myself and other students grow professionally and academically. Furthermore, his ability to effectively and efficiently communicate important dates, times, event locations, etc. show his dedication to the organization and nicely plays to another strength of his: professionalism. Cole's mannerisms exude confidence in his ability to get work done and work in a team setting. He never dominates the conversation, and actively listens and engages in relevant topics to the conversation, often posing thought-provoking ideas and questions to the group.

Although Cole's term in a leadership position is up, I know that he will continue to display these same qualities and hone in on how to be a leader regardless of status or position. This makes Cole a valuable and immediate asset to any company, and client he may work with or for both now and in the future. He has been a great resource for myself and many others and I'm confident he will only continue to be the same for those he interacts with later in life.

Congratulations Cole on a fantastic presidency, I'm excited to see what the future holds for you!

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